
Boundaries are there to be pushed and questioned

That was our approach right from the outset in 1973. The operation that started on the Borga farm in western Sweden is now an international company, built with a forward-looking attitude.

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From Borga to the world | BORGA

At Borga, the future has always been more attractive than the past.

Because without our curiosity and forward-looking attitude, the company would have been history long ago.

We are pushing the boundaries in the building sector

Over the years we have pushed the boundaries in the building sector, both in our thoughts and on the map.

We have had production operations in California, and arranged manufacturing and sales in both Central and Eastern Europe from an early stage.

Things that seemed odd at the time in the building sector are now commonplace. We now have Europe’s most modern, automated welding plant for frames.

We have created a number of innovative solutions that benefit our customers.

Borga’s history in milestones

  • 1973 The company is founded on the Borga farm in Edsvära, Sweden
  • 1979 Construction company starts in Sweden
  • 1987 Production of fasteners in Sweden
  • 1993 Establishment in Poland
  • 1997 Divestment of the screw factory in Uddevalla
  • 2001 Establishment in the Czech Republic
  • 2001 Establishment in Lithuania
  • 2003 New head office with production in Skara, Sweden
  • 2009 Production of steel frames and light beams in Poland
  • 2013 Establishment in Norway
  • 2014 Acquisition of total contractor Bygglant, Sweden
  • 2014 Production certified according to European standard
  • 2018 Builds a new production facility in Skara, see the film below
  • 2019 Extensive expansion of the production facility in Poland
  • 2020 Production of the high-profile sheet – TR136
  • 2021 Establishment in Austria


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