29 March, 2025
Borga About Borga Group structure
Borga Group is running its operations through six subsidaries, utilizing a strictly conceptualized business model. Our main business areas are Steel buildings, General contracting and Building components.
All subsidaries are, with one exception, present on at least one geographical market. The companies’ width of operations is adapted to each companies capabilities and market conditions.
Some companies have manufacturing operations and provides products and services to the all the group’s companies.
The mother company Borga Gruppen AB owns, manages and develops the brand and the business concept and does also provide raw material to its manufacturing subsidaries.
The group head office, located in Skara (Sweden), consists of finance, marketing, purchasing, production departments and Research and development.
The group management team defines directives for, and runs, the annual strategy and budget planning processes and manages the company’s functional matrix organization.
During 2015 and 2016, a functional matrix organization was launched within the company. The purpose of the organization is to provide for an continuous high degree of business development. The organizational model is built upon a strong belief in the power of collaboration between companies, departments and people. The matrix organizations different process area groups (Function Areas) are led by designated function area managers and consist of key personell from all companies.
The function area organization is a vital part of Borga Group’s comprehensive take on efficiency improvement through development of its key and supporting processes. Borga Group is continuously running a variety of projects spanning areas such as building system development, business intelligence and resource utilization – to mention a few.
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