TR 45 A strong roof profile allowing wide distances between purlins. Borga TR 45 is commonly used for roofing industrial and commercial steel halls, combining good covering width with a very high bearing capacity. The profile’s height makes it especially suited for snowy locations or where high rainwater run-off capacity is required. This profile can also be used externally on the walls of larger industrial buildings. The profile has a special water groove preventing rainwater from coming in through the overlap. To prevent condensation drops from forming on the ceiling of uninsulated buildings, it is recommended to apply Borga DropStop to the undersurface of the roof profiles. The steel core is passivated and painted with a primer and a top layer in polyester P30, P50 or MAT. Available thicknesses: 0.5 mm / 0.6 mm / 0.7 mm PROFILE DATA TR 45 Nominal thickness tnom mm 0,5 0,6 Thickness for calculation tber mm 0.441 0.538 Mass m kg/m2 4.9 5.8 Yield strength fty N/mm2 250 250 Hight mm 43 43 Cover width mm 950 950 Min. length mm 500 500 Max. length mm 12000 12000 Support reaction, end support Rd kN/m 2.48 3.63 Support reaction, 50 mm support width Rd kN/m 8.47 12.20 Support reaction,100 mm support width Rd kN/m 11.11 15.89 Shear buckling capacity, flange Vf kN/m 15 27.2 Shear buckling capacity, rib Vw kN/m 32.9 59.8 Shear buckling capacity, global L2Vgd kN/m 63.7 77.7 Torque, positive pressure effect Md kNm/m 1.130 1.592 Moment of inertia, positive pressure effect Idef mm4/mm 126.7 169.8 Moment, negative pressure effect Md kNm/m 1.043 1.442 Moment of inertia negative pressure effect Idef mm4/mm 101.1 133.1 Walkability (c:c) calculated at a person weight of 100 kg, 2-bay, roof slope<14°, fastened m 1.18 1.61 Walkability (c:c) calculated at a person weight of 100 kg, >2-fack, roof slope <14°, fastened m 1.40 1.91 Walkability (c:c) calculated at a person weight of 100 kg, 2-fack, roof slope <14°, not fastened m 0.96 1.31 Profile data is calculated according to the Eurocode. Color variation Standard Colors White 9106 Light Grey 7035 Silver 9006 Graphite 0087 Black 9005 Beige 1015 Yellow 0453 Reseda Green 6011 Green 0510 Sky Blue 5015 Glowing Blue 5010 Brick Red 8004 Cherry Red 3009 Red 0302 Brown 8017 Galv Borga Color map Standard Color Map Standard