
Borga is simplicity in a nutshell

Borga is a European hall construction company with its roots in western Sweden. Our two business areas are production of building components and construction of steel buildings.

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The strength of Borga’s business concept is in-house products

The core of our operation comprises the manufacture and assembly of components for steel buildings, as well as roof systems and wall cladding.

We also produce and market supplementary building components for roofs and walls.

Our products are manufactured in several locations around Europe.

We currently have production facilities in Sweden, Poland, and Lithuania, as well as sales operations in 12 countries.

Our head office and development unit are located in Skara, Sweden.


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Our vision

Since Borga was founded in 1973, we have changed the industry’s view of what a steel building can be.

At Borga, the only thing that is constant is change and the development of our business never stops.

Our vision is to become Europe’s leading hall construction company.

Learn more about our history

Trouble-free construction

Having full control over the entire production chain means that we can guarantee fixed prices, on-time deliveries and hiqh quality products.

We also take full responsibility for the process from idea to finished building.

We call it trouble-free construction.

Learn about our brand promise
Charlotte Rosén
Are you interested and want to know more about Borga Group? Please contact me. I'm looking forward to it!
Consolidated financial key-figures 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover (MEUR) 57 74 75 57 55 52 47 41 36
EBIT (MEUR) 1,3 3,3 4,2 2,5 2,5 -0,4 12 11,5 -1,5
Number of employees 260 338 397 383 342 301 276 239 217
Number of building projects (approx.) 247 218 267 226 197 233 167 223 204
Want to know more? | BORGA
Want to know more? | BORGA

Want to know more?

Visit our local sites for more information about our products and solutions.

sv Sweden
nb Norway
pl Poland
cs Czech Republic
lt Lithuania
at Austria
sk Slovakia
de Germany

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