31 March, 2025
Borga About Borga Supplier code
At Borga, we are aware that our business affects people and the environment, locally and globally. We believe in close co-operation with our suppliers, which includes taking responsibility for sustainability throughout the supply chain.
To achieve a sustainable entrepreneurship, Borga has established a code of conduct. The purpose of Borga Group’s supplier code is to lay down the general principles and standards of the code of conduct and to specify what we require of our suppliers. We expect our suppliers to work in accordance with these commitments:
Ethical and responsible behaviour
Respect for human rights
Commitment to a healthy climate
Borga’s supplier code applies to all suppliers and their subcontractors who are involved in the production and supply of products and services for Borga. Our suppliers are responsible for informing their employees and others in the supply chain of Borga’s supplier code and for ensuring that it is complied with.
In addition to satisfying the requirements of the supplier code, Borga’s suppliers must adhere to all national legislation, regulations, and other applicable standards (such as good manufacturing practices and other codes of conduct), as well as other relevant legal requirements based on the principle of adhering to those that are the most stringent.
Suppliers must not be involved in any form of corruption, including bribery, kickback/hidden commission, fraud, or extortion. Suppliers must not take any measures that violate or result in Borga violating any applicable anti-corruption legislation or regulations.
Suppliers are expected to uphold the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Suppliers must treat every employee with respect and must not use physical punishment, threats, violence, or other forms of physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment.
Our suppliers must not engage in child labour. Suppliers that employ young people who are older than the statutory minimum age for employment but under the age of 18 must follow all applicable legislation and regulations for people of their age.
Forced labour is not permitted in any form, nor is the use of illegal labour or imprisonment. This includes all forms of involuntary agreements.
Suppliers must not discriminate or condone discrimination based on race, gender, age, political persuasion, religion, ethnicity, nationality, faith, civil status, parenthood, health, sexual orientation, illness, disability, trade union membership, or any other personal characteristics during either recruitment or employment.
Suppliers must provide employees with a safe and healthy workplace in accordance with any applicable legislation and regulations. Suppliers shall work proactively to prevent accidents and ensuring continuous improvement of health and safety standards.
Appropriate workwear and protective equipment must be available, maintained, used, and provided free of charge to employees working in hazardous or potentially hazardous environments. Suppliers must take measures to ensure safe and lawful handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals and hazardous substances, as well as provide employees with adequate training.
Construction structures, machinery, and other equipment must be safe to use and equipped with the necessary safety features to prevent accidents. Preventative measures must be implemented in the workplace in order to protect workers from occupational hazards and to ensure a healthy work environment.
Suppliers must work to reduce their environmental impact continually. This includes being aware of and monitoring key environmental aspects, including the environmental impact of:
Suppliers must ensure that all chemicals and hazardous substances used in the production of Borga’s products comply with the provisions of national environmental legislation, regulations, and industry standards. Waste must be stored, handled, and disposed of responsibly and in accordance with local legislation to prevent contamination and to safeguard the health and safety of employees. Suppliers must take measures to avoid the contamination of water by preventing and reducing the discharge of wastewater.
Suppliers must have procedures for dealing with questions and complaints relating to Borga’s supplier code. At Borga’s request, all suppliers must inform Borga of addresses for factories where products are made. Suppliers must agree that Borga and its representatives may conduct inspections to ensure compliance with this supplier code. These inspections may be made at any time, at any production facility where Borga’s products are made, including the facilities of sub-contractors. Such inspections may be announced or unannounced. Borga and third parties representing Borga must be given access to the documentation required to verify compliance with this supplier code.
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